SynSel is proud to announce our affiliation with the newly formed American Climate Club

JUNE 28, 2023

SynSel is proud to announce our affiliation with the newly formed American Climate Club (ACC), an NGO non-profit 501(c)(4).  The Paris Agreement was signed with the current Administration in January 2021. A key focus of the ACC is to work with the USA State Department such that the upside of the affiliation with the Paris Agreement is realized. 

The official “ask” for the US State Department is to become an ITMO (International Transferred Mitigating Outcome) compliance buyer and seller for the USA. ACC's mission impacts all 192 signatories plus EU of the PA (Paris Accord), not just USA. So, SB (Subsidiary Body) and regional meetings leading up to COP (Conference of the Parties), in any given year is important. This would also afford USA-based green energy developers the same ITMO (carbon credit) incentives available to green energy developers in non-USA COP participating nations. 

Once the State Department aligns with the Paris Accord agreement, SynSel green fuel projects will be enhanced with the investor community in that the economic benefit to the monetized and traded CO2 (ITMO) carbon credit could be $.80 per gallon. While the upside of the Paris Accord germinates with the introduction to the State Department, SynSel is now very active with NON-US green fuel initiatives through our affiliation with CADA Energy. 

Through opportunities created with the CADA relationship, Gunnar will be traveling to Uruguay and Panama City (Subsidiary Body) and then to Dubai (December) for the COP28. Grant applications are being submitted for 100 ton per day modular biomass/MSW-to-fuel plants for Dominica and Uruguay. While a proposal has already been tendered to Mozambique.